Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Which City are You?

Teachings from Revelations 2-3 as it applies to each city addressed:

City: Ephesus
·        What they did to please the Lord: They found out who were true messengers from God and who were not and continued to work without rest for God.
·        How they needed to repent: They needed to return to their first love- God.
·        Promised blessings: They would eat of the tree of life.

City: Smyra
·        What they did to please the Lord: They were poor in spirit.
·        How they needed to repent: They needed to not fear the tribulations they would pass through.
·        Promised blessings: They would receive the crown of life and not suffer the 2nd death.

City: Pergamos
·        What they did to please the Lord: They did not deny the faith.
·        How they needed to repent: The performed acts of worship to other Gods and followed other doctrine.
·        Promised blessings: They would be given hidden manna.

City: Thyatira
·        What they did to please the Lord: They did works of charity, patience, faith, and service. They esteemed their brother above themselves.
·        How they needed to repent: Some needed to stop listening to a false prophetess named Jezebel.
·        Promised blessings: He would give them power over nations and give them the morning star.

City: Sardis
·        What they did to please the Lord: They live the Name.
·        How they needed to repent: They needed to be more watchful.
·        Promised blessings: They will walk in white with God.

City: Philadelphia
·        What they did to please the Lord: They kept God’s word and not denied His name.
·        How they needed to repent: They needed to remain steadfast.
·        Promised blessings: They would become a pillar in God’s temple and write His name upon them.

City: Laodicea
·        What they did to please the Lord: Not stated.
·        How they needed to repent: They were apathetic.
·        Promised blessings: They would sit down at God’s throne with Him.

These promises and blessings apply to all of us. It may not be that we need to work on all of them at once, but we ought to try to find which needs the most attention and overcome it. I feel that at times I am the city Laodicea. I am neither cold nor hot. I don’t brother to feel passionate with what’s right or wrong. Because my life is good I don’t seek change. I want to change that. I want to want God’s home with a passion that burns through my complacent 1st world life style and have a heart that is willing to live in squalor or riches, whatever, so long as I can get back to God with as many people as I can carry.

Because getting back to Him is all that really matters (D&C 63:20; 14:7). It at least that is how we should feel. If I allow myself to become complacent then I would lose that focus and the blessing because I would no longer desire it. 

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