Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Tides of Change

My faithful readers: you may have noticed that I changed the name of my blog. After much deliberation and consideration I have determined to change the name of my cyberspace home to something less grotesque and more reflective of myself.
In other news- actually there is no other news. Life is merrily placid. Sense I have no news to report I would like to reminisce. My memory takes me back a year from this time when I was living with my sister in Denver.
My book of thoughts reminds me of the time when they weren’t the only books I mused over. My little nephews loved to read so we spent hours upon hours reading! When we weren’t reading they would want to play jungle. Tyton became  very good at narrating. Here is a sample of his dialog:
Tyton- mummy lion (me) we need to save monkeys, said the daddy lion.
Me- how are we going to that?
Tyton- we will fight the bad guys, said the daddy lion
Tyton- ok lets go help those monkeys said Katy (that’s me) to the daddy lion.
I think Tyton had heard ‘he said’- ‘she said’ so much in our reading that he assumed we used in our everyday language. What an observant kid!  I hope more parents will take time to read with their children as my sister and her husband have done with theirs. I’ve learned from those boys that they don’t always want candy and movies. More than anything they want your time!

1 comment:

  1. Clara! For a while I thought you had deleted you blog, but after some sneaky detective work I found it again, also I love your stories :)
